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Frequent Questions

No, children who haven’t started school at MIS will not experience significant difficulties due to lower English proficiency, as teachers implement individualized programs that adapt to each student's needs, offering individual support to ensure the achievement of the expected goals.

Yes, it is possible to enroll mid-year by obtaining clearance from the previous school. In this case parents have to pay only the tuition fees solely for the months in which the student will be attending MIS, as well as the registration fee.

At MIS, English is conveyed during all the course of the days, through lessons, but also during the various educational activities and workshops, thanks to the presence of native English-speaking teachers, that are carefully selected not only for the highest language proficiency, but also for the titles and qualifications they hold as teachers. The teachers, having different cultural backgrounds (mainly England, but also Ireland, Scotland, Australia, America), also encourage the coexistence of different accents within the school, getting students used to listening to different pronunciation of the same language from the very beginning.

MIS students acquire bilingual skills through consistent English exposure from an early age and thanks to the co-presence of the native Italian and native English-speaking teacher. Over the years, they can earn Cambridge certifications, which are officially recognized throughout the world, giving them competitive advantages in the global context and opening doors to future opportunities in both academic and professional settings.

Our teaching staff consists of highly qualified teachers with long years of experience. We do a careful selection, considering not only the qualifications required by MIUR, but also assessing their specific attitude in the field of teaching and their approach to a multicultural environment.

Classes adhere to ministerial requirements and objectives, while also adopting an innovative and original approach that promotes critical thinking, encourages students to ask questions and develop their own ideas.

At MIS we favour the use of a mandatory uniform for all students, as it promotes a strong sense of identity and belonging, creating a shared community spirit and a sense of pride in the school community. In addition, introducing uniforms to young children helps create the idea of a routine starting from home, strengthening the bond between school and family.

Applications must be submitted in accordance with the deadlines set by Miur. However, subject to the availability of places, it is always possible to contact our facility to check the possibility of a late enrolment outside the official deadlines.

Parents can visit the school every day after 4 p.m. by appointment. To ensure a more personalized (tailored?) experience, we prefer individual visits that allow us to better understand the needs of each parent and children, providing specific details to your questions. In addition, throughout the year, we host "Open Days", during which the school welcomes the public, always by appointment. During these occasions, we prepare engaging activities for children, providing a unique opportunity to learn about our school in action.

Teachers uphold daily communication, to ensure parents' active participation in their children's progress. Parents are regularly updated about it through the sharing of creative work, papers, educational worksheets, and a photo board, via a specially dedicated app. In addition, the school encourages the parent participation in various scheduled events, including the Christmas play, Science Fair, Art Exhibition, and End-of-year party. This approach encourages an ongoing collaboration between school and family, creating a rich and engaging educational environment for students.

Children have the chance to enroll in the summer camp. Outdoor activities will be the main part of the program, allowing them to explore nature, participate in interactive games and relax. In addition, they can enjoy beach outings, creating a complete experience blending English and fun.

The menu is structured according to the rules and standards established by the National Guidelines of the Ministry of Health, conforming to precise requirements for variety, seasonality, and nutritional quality. In addition, we collaborate with a nutritionist in order to create a menu in line with modern paediatric nutrition philosophies. This ensures compliance with the needs of metabolism, growth, and prevention, achieving the goal of ensuring a high-quality meal.